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Register with the surgery

Catchment area

Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area.

Registering with the surgery

To register with the surgery:

When you register, it’s helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number.

After you have completed the form you must attend the surgery within 7 days with two forms of identification and the completed document.

Acceptable identification includes:

  • Passport
  • Birth certificate
  • HC2 certificate
  • Rough sleepers’ identity badge
  • Hostel registration/mail forwarding letter

Until we have seen your identification you will not be registered at the practice.

How to register your new baby

You need to register your new baby at the practice as soon as possible. Therefore please download and complete a Registration Form and send it to your surgery. Please ensure you provide your baby’s NHS Number which will be detailed in their red book.

Once we have received the form we will register your baby as a patient at this practice. The practice will send you an appointment for a mother and baby post-natal check. This is a 30 minute appointment, 20 minutes for the baby check and 10 minutes for the post-natal. Your baby’s course of routine immunisations will start at 8 weeks and will be given at this appointment. Please remember to bring the red book. If you cannot make this appointment you must notify reception as soon as possible. Please be advised that if you do need to cancel, the next available appointment may be anything up to 4 weeks after that date.

Are you a carer?

Are you a carer or cared for? Do you care for someone who could not manage without you or are you someone that is cared for?

It is important that carers stay as fit and healthy as possible. We want to help carers however we can only do this if you let us know you are a carer and register yourself as a carer using the carer registration form.

Under NHS regulations all GPs are required to compile a register of carers. This identifies carers and their needs so that support can be offered when needed if you care for a relative, friend or neighbour who is dependent on that help. The person being cared for may be handicapped, have a debilitating physical or mental illness or be in frail health and can be any age. Pick up the form at reception and complete it there.

Temporary residents

The doctors are happy to see patients who are temporarily resident in the practice area should medical advice be required. In this instance persons wishing to be treated should state that they are a temporary resident when reporting to reception.

To register you will need to bring your passport and complete our temporary resident registration form which is available from reception, or can be downloaded here (PDF).

Overseas visitors

If your country has a healthcare agreement with the UK you may not have to pay. Please visit NHS Choices for more information.

Related information

Named GP